The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) carefully monitors the foods that are consumed by the people of America. It is important to note the information that the FDA has gathered because it could apply to foods that are imported into Australia.
An Important Study
Just recently, at the end of 2012, the FDA released a study of rice in which the levels are arsenic were a concern. To provide the best results, the FDA analysed more than 1,000 different rice products. This allows an overall image of the concern to be formed. It is important that consumers and other countries make note of the findings.
The Results
After the extensive study, the FDA has indicated that there is no reason to change one’s consumption of the rice. At this time, the Administration says there simply is not enough evidence to indicate that the low levels of arsenic that could be found in rice products would be a concern, and since rice is such a highly nutritional food, people should continue to consume it as a part of their balanced diet. The FDA even went as far as to say that rice is completely safe for consumption by infants.
How Does Arsenic Get into Rice?
Arsenic has contaminated the ground as well as water sources. Almost any food can absorb it. However, because of how rice grows, it seems especially susceptible to any contaminates that may be in the surrounding soil and water. This is why the FDA chose to conduct the study.
By keeping aware of studies performed all over the world, Australia can better monitor the foods provided to people here. This way, it is easier to keep foods safe for your consumption.