With what seems like a new news story hitting the wires every day in regards to salmonella outbreaks, product recalls, and more, people today are becoming more apprehensive about the foods they eat.
Current survey results coming out are only confirming this fact to researchers.
For instance, a recent study shows that only 28% of consumers in the United States feel confident and secure in regards to the foods they eat. The survey involved roughly 2,000 US consumers and was conducted by the Center for Food Integrity. The results of this recent survey were announced at the center’s annual summit this past week.
The percentage of people who actually do feel secure in the foods they eat appears to be falling as well. The current figure of 28% is actually a full 7% lower than last year’s count. The pictures gets even bleaker though when the rest of the survey results are examined.
Only 30% of the people surveyed said that they had the same confidence level in the safety and wholesomeness of their food as they did at this same time last year. Less than 18% of those polled feel that the food they consume today is safer and more wholesome than the food they grew up with.
Part of the shift appears to have to do with people losing faith in government agencies. Many worry that those in charge aren’t doing as good a job as they could be as far as protecting the public.
Studies also show that more consumers are taking the search for information into their own hands by taking to internet resources in search of their own answers. People have also reported going to friends, family, and local television stations for additional information.