It’s that time of year again and people all over the country are showing their support and getting involved in Food Allergy Week.
‘Be Aware. Show You Care’ is the motto of this year’s event, which runs from Sunday 17 May to Saturday 23 May, and aims to raise awareness of growing issue of food allergies in Australia.
Authorities are taking the time to focus on the important role that must be played by all food businesses when it comes to safely managing food allergies. According to CEO of the NSW Food Authority, Polly Bennett, managing food allergies is not just a concern for those who suffer from them, but for food manufactures too.
‘Above and beyond caring, it’s also the law for those who sell or manufacture food to provide accurate information and labelling about food allergens that may be contained in their product,’ said Ms. Bennett.
‘While those people living with food allergies are generally keenly aware of their condition they need the support of the wider community, both consumers and food businesses alike, in managing it safely,’ added Ms. Bennett.
Food Allergies on the Rise
Allergy and Anaphylaxis Australia, a leading authority on all things food allergy, reports that Australia has one of the highest rates of food allergies in the world and presently 1 out of every 10 babies is born with some kind of food allergy. To help raise awareness of just how widespread this issue it, Food Allergy Week encourages people to paint one fingernail to show their support.
Food allergies can be very serious illnesses and in some cases can even result in death. Plus there is usually no cure so being able to safely manage them is essential. This year’s event focuses on the importance of taking all necessary precautions when it comes to food allergies
How to Get Involved
Many famous Australians are getting involved and showing their support including comedian Peter Helliar, blue Wiggle Anthony Field and MP for Chisholm Anna Burke, just to name a few. While big corporations like Coles and government organisations like the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy are already involved - more support is needed.
People wishing to help raise awareness can show their support and:
- Make a donation here!
- Post a picture of one painted nail on social media.
- Adopt an allergy for one day to better understand the challenges faced by those affected. You could even set up an Everyday Hero fundraising page for people to sponsor you.
- Share a Food Allergy Week Badge on social media.
Everyone is encouraged to get involved to help raise awareness of this very important issue. Check out what’s already happening in your community or organise an event with family and friends yourself. Free resources and campaign materials are available for download on the Food Allergy Aware website!