One of the hottest topics on the table for discussion today is without a doubt genetically modified foods. However, it can’t be denied that it’s also one of the most controversial topics of conversation as well.
Everyone seems to have a strong opinion on the matter with some people claiming genetic modification is the way of the future and others swearing that it will be the downfall of society as we know it.
Those who are for genetic modification generally feel that today’s modern genetic modification practices actually improve the quality of food. For instance, it’s been theorized that GM will be able to provide us with hypoallergenic options in the future, as well as foods that are more nutritious than those we’re used to.
Those who are against it generally are so because of worry about environmental impact of altered foods on the environment and ecosystem. Health implications from foods that are largely untested at this point are also major concerns.
Naturally all the uncertainty makes it tough to sift through the hype and cut straight to the facts of the matter. Scientific fact is still very much at war with public opinion and bias here.
So far, food safety authorities have found no evidence that genetically modified foods pose any sort of danger at all to the health of the general public. For instance, Paul Brent of the science department at Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) says that genetically modified foods are completely benign.
President Nina Fedoroff of the American Association of Advancement of Science holds a similar opinion.
“Myths about the dire effects of genetically modified foods on health and the environment abound, but they have not held up to scientific scrutiny,” she stated in a recent opinion piece published in the New York Times.